12 Nisan 2016

Ne yapabildik ki ?

Ol dedi olduk da,
Neden yaratıldık bilebildik mi?

Oku diye başladı ilk ayet,
Bir kez tamamını okuyabildik mi?

Hocalara sormaktan vazgeçip,
Ruhumuzu kendimiz besleyebildik mi?

Şeytanın fısıltılarından korunmak için,
Nefsin gözüne yumruğu çakabildik mi?

Dönüşü olmayan yolculuğa çıkmadan,
Hazırım artık hadi diyebildik mi?

Salih kulların sözlerini beğensek de,
Bir tanesi bende var diyebildik mi?

Evrende nokta olamayan şu dünyada,
Ben olmaktan vazgeçebildik mi?

Gelmesine vesile olduğumuz evlatlarımıza,
Var olma amaçlarını öğretebildik mi?

09 Nisan 2016

Biliyorsun ki

Ölmek yeniden doğma tesellisi,
Ama ölene geride kalana değil.

Ölümü bekler her fani,
Takvalısı hasretle, asla korkuyla değil.

Zalim olur kişi ancak kendi ruhuna,
Farkına varır ahirette, bu dünyada değil.

İmanla yaşansa da her nefes,
Son nefes imanlı mı çıkar kesin değil.

Belki bir sadakan seni çeker uçurumdan,
Gönülsüz kılınan namazların değil.

Gösteri dünyası olsa da bu dünya,
İbadetin makbulu görüneni değil.

Dilinin söyledikleri yarasa da cahillere,
Susmak seni alim yapar gevezelik değil.

İlim öğreneceğin kişiyi sen arama,
Ancak o seni bulur, sen onu değil.

Takva ancak yaratandandır sana hediye,
Onu sana verecek O'dur, O' nun kulu değil.

Bir yetimin duası güller açtırır kabrinde,
Geride kalanların mezarına diktikleri değil.

01 Mart 2015



    Among the years, standards of beauty have always gone through change. However, the positive and negative effects of being beautiful has not changed for the most part throughout history. They claim that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the outcomes may not be that way. 
    When beauty is combined with intelligence, knowledge and talent, it presents the whole world some heroines such as Hurrem Sultan or Josephine, just like enormous statues. They are the ones who are able to change the course of history. For those heroines, beauty is only a ticket to set off the road. It does not serve as a ticket for the whole journey.
     Next, intelligence serves as a ticket, and it gives them the chance to travel all the way down from the North Pole to the South Pole. Next, there are the ones who suffer from the heavy burden of beauty. Even if they have the chance to start the journey, once they set off, there is something awkward about their credibility. Brands are right there to help them, and they try to make up for their deficiencies by using expensive purses, jewelry, clothes and perfumes.
    The luxury to open up new paths by the help of their beauties refrain these people from personal development and cultural growth. The beautiful ones are those who achieve success much more easily with their beauty, especially when compared to the ones who obtain similar achievements through many hardships or exams. That is why the beautiful does not need to equip themselves with extra cultural assets.
      In time, beauty turns into a fear they are not aware of. Losing their beauty is like losing their existence, so they try hard to make it live on, since they desire to keep on existing. When they grow old, beautiful people neither find comfort nor feel nostalgic upon seeing their old photos. They silently suffer in pain, just like those who have lost their fortunes. 
    They find true love very rarely when they are young. Since they are highly admired and adored, it is difficult for them to realize the one who truly loves. They choose not the one who relates to their soul, but the one who praises their beauty the most. 
     Although being present in all circles of life, beautiful people are lonely. The beauty they have, which they believe to have been granted to them as a gift, are in the eyes of the admirers. However, this very beauty turns into a punishment, although they may not be aware of it.